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Wednesday 7 August 2013

Approaching the end of Ramadhan~

Alhamdulillah. Again this year I've been given the chance to meet with ramadhan. I've been given the chance to go through the whole of ramadhan. Alhamdulillah shukur~

This year. Ramadhan is different. It is without both of my late grandfathers.
Here and there, from time to time, the emptiness would seep into my heart and remain there.
But it IS ramadhan. Each day is filled with an activity and new people. The emptiness is still there reminding me of them, may they rest in peace, Al Fatihah. However, my days a filled with something that allows me to look forward. Reminding me to be positive, to be active, to be steadfast and to be more patient.

To be positive upon the future and what may occur.
To be active in pursuing the future.
To be steadfast in accepting what is thrown my way.
To be more patients as things don't always occur as I may expect them to.

Nearing the end, it got me thinking. Have I done enough this ramadhan?
Have I utilised the opportunities presented to me in this blessed month?
Will I be given the same chance next year?
Will I get to meet ramadhan again?

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