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Wednesday 31 December 2014

2 decades~ as she said.

"Here it is~~!!
> Again?!
Yup. Again.
>     .    .    .    .    .    "

Well, twenty, one and four,

You came like before,
without notice, in a flash.
It was a blur,

a blink and now we're here.
I wont bid fare-thee-well,
like before, it has fused unto.
But, thank you.

For all the moments of fun,
the happiness I doubt would be undone.

All the treasures and emotional connections,

kept close at heart, in mind and soul.
And shall never fall apart.

"twenty" are now us,
that of nine "four".
"one" year older,
we are.
In 201 and five.

Of all the things,
the life,

the breath,
the lessons and health,
the brink of death.
The friends meet, met and made.
Those bridges are built to last decades.

Happy and many a great blessings.
For the new leaf to fall,
the new year to start it all.

HAPPY 201 and FIVE!!!

dont forget to study...
...exam laaah Tahun Baru ini.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

00010111th of 00001001, 0010 0000 0001 0100

As I was living in fear,
you were living to the fullest,
you showed me dear,
that fear of living is just ridiculous.

You whom I talk most often to,
one of the first friends I made in Malacca,
turns that she to,
was born in that place ba.

As I'd shifted around a lot,
I made many friends,
but most of that lot,
didn't last till the very end.

Your courage and your faith,
permeates through and through.
In the darkest of days,
you always seem to shine through.

Longevity and health I pray for you,
never stress and try not to overwork yourself,
don't want you to breath in a whole tank of O2,
again and again yeah. ^^,

Other than that,
have the most blessed of days,
and the blissful of time.
However short or long it may be,
may you always, smile and be happy.


Tuesday 12 August 2014


             After a whole year of private study, attending Uni was something new. Private study sounds a bit --- we'll just say self-study, or studying-at-home-by-oneself. So, attending University was certainly a new great pleasant experience. It has its downs and its lows but the feeling is just wonderful. There's a sense of achievement in that, in continuing for further study, in managing to get into a University. A proud moment for me. ***For my dear parents too, hopefully.

             Sem 1. The semester in which you learnt to cope. To adapt and adopt to life as a Uni student. Once you get the basics, the foundation down, you're pretty much ready to proceed. But this semester punches you in the face. It just does. You'll get to know of the workload, the modules, the weird people and lecturers, as well as the somewhat packed environment. The good thing about this is once you get punched, in the face, you can recover, find your balance and prepare for any future punches that's sure to come your way. So, now you can dodge, block and counter !!!


             Sem 2. Since Sem 1, you are now able to stand on your own two feet. You are now able to fend for yourself, to survive, to progress. You have your guard up and are always prep'd and ready. So, you think you can take on Sem 2. After the first few days, all is well and okay. Then, in a blink of an eye, in a fraction of a second, something swept your feet from under you. And you fall, you fall hard. You lie on the floor, looking up, wondering; "Just what the bloody hell happened?!!". I mean, you did everything right. Well, right, just like the Sem prior. However, Sem 2 is unlike any other. It pushes you, until you fall, but as you fall you realise, or you would anyways, that nothing can prepare you. Nothing. All that you can do, is stand back up and walk, walk on your path towards whatever your goal is.

Because. You must know, there those that you can see and those that you can't, that you would miss or not notice. There those that you can control and there are those that you must let go, you must then only flow.

Level 1 of SE in APU was certainly interesting.

Looking forward to Level 2.

From within . . . ~

You know,
this life we're living,
this air we're breathing,
these are none other than a blessing.

One is thankful,
~ Alhamdulillah ~
For this chance,
at life,
for this air,
and for this day.

For the rain,
that washes away,
the dirt, the stain,
the dust, the heat,
the pout, the doubts,
and the bouts.

For the sun,
that shines,
our day, our night,
our way, our might,
our choices in the light.

One is amazed,
at the wonders,
the way it works,
the way it happens,
the way it portrays,
its elegance and its beauty.

One is glad,
for all that one have met,
for all that one have known,
and for those one will
meet, and know, and work with.

The experience one had gained,
is priceless,
it makes one ponder,
for all that had happened,
all that was planned and written,
all with a reason.

Thank You, the Almighty!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Dont. Anger.

Narrated Abu Huraira:

A man said to the Prophet (ï·º) , "Advise me! "The Prophet (ï·º) said, "Do not become angry and furious." The man asked (the same) again and again, and the Prophet (ï·º) said in each case, "Do not become angry and furious."


One of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) asked Prophet Muhammad for advice. He asked that the advice be short so that he would be able to remember it. "Don't get angry," said the Prophet. The same Companion repeated his request for some brief advice; each time he received the same answer from the Prophet each time, "Don't get angry!". (Source; Bukhari, A'dab, 76)

Reference                                        : Sahih al-Bukhari 6116 
In-book reference                            : Book 78, Hadith 143 
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 8, Book 73, Hadith 137 
(deprecated numbering scheme) 

Monday 10 February 2014

Only you~~~

I may not always say what I mean,
show what I feel,
express what I think.

But the ONE needs not to,
the ONE needs not to hear,
or to feel.

The ONE will simply know.
Know of the unheard,
Know of the action,
Know of the feeling,
Know of the unexpressed.

This moment in time,
presents not,
the ability for me,
to do as such.

But little by little I will simply do,
I will whisper to you,
I will be the shadow to your light,
and ONLY you will hear me,
ONLY you will see me.

only you~~~


You know, sometimes when I ask, when I present a question
and always whenever it happens, it IS and ALWAYS will be
a serious question. And I do, I do want an answer.

Its just that, it is more to the point that I want an
opinion other than mine.
It doesn't have to be valid, or good, or accurate, or
I just want an opinion to which I may assess where I stand.
Most of the time I just dont give whatever you say.
Care and whatnot will not be presented.

But I do want to know'em.


Sunday 9 February 2014



Sem 1 is over,
and all is swell.

Sem 2 is to begin,
our results yet to be seen.

March is the month,
to which our performance is unveiled.

or bad,
we soon will know.

I hope we'd all succeed,
because I dont want to repeat the show.


Wednesday 22 January 2014


I'm free to do what I want any old time
I'm free to do what I want any old time
So love me, hold me, love me, hold me
I'm free any old time to get what I want
I'm free to sing my song though it gets out of time
I'm free to sing my song though it gets out of time
So love me, hold me, love me, hold me
And I'm free any old time to get what I want
Love me, hold me, love me, hold me
But I'm free any old time to get what I want
I'm free to choose what I please any old time
I'm free to choose what I please any old time
So hold me, love me, love me, hold me
I'm free any old time to get what I want, yes I am

Sunday 12 January 2014


As we live,
we breath.
And as we breath,
we think.

Our actions determines our destination.

In the present,
of which, we do.
That was based on the judgement,
of our past.
For the decision of the future,
that always remain uncertain,
until it happens.

Can we gain wings to fly.

Will we tumble on our own shadow.

We were all born with wings.

The difference in how we care,
determines the end.

Will it still be able to fly,
to carry our weight,
or will it lose its ability to trust the sky,
with all our freight.

- v1tusphoenix