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Tuesday 12 August 2014


             After a whole year of private study, attending Uni was something new. Private study sounds a bit --- we'll just say self-study, or studying-at-home-by-oneself. So, attending University was certainly a new great pleasant experience. It has its downs and its lows but the feeling is just wonderful. There's a sense of achievement in that, in continuing for further study, in managing to get into a University. A proud moment for me. ***For my dear parents too, hopefully.

             Sem 1. The semester in which you learnt to cope. To adapt and adopt to life as a Uni student. Once you get the basics, the foundation down, you're pretty much ready to proceed. But this semester punches you in the face. It just does. You'll get to know of the workload, the modules, the weird people and lecturers, as well as the somewhat packed environment. The good thing about this is once you get punched, in the face, you can recover, find your balance and prepare for any future punches that's sure to come your way. So, now you can dodge, block and counter !!!


             Sem 2. Since Sem 1, you are now able to stand on your own two feet. You are now able to fend for yourself, to survive, to progress. You have your guard up and are always prep'd and ready. So, you think you can take on Sem 2. After the first few days, all is well and okay. Then, in a blink of an eye, in a fraction of a second, something swept your feet from under you. And you fall, you fall hard. You lie on the floor, looking up, wondering; "Just what the bloody hell happened?!!". I mean, you did everything right. Well, right, just like the Sem prior. However, Sem 2 is unlike any other. It pushes you, until you fall, but as you fall you realise, or you would anyways, that nothing can prepare you. Nothing. All that you can do, is stand back up and walk, walk on your path towards whatever your goal is.

Because. You must know, there those that you can see and those that you can't, that you would miss or not notice. There those that you can control and there are those that you must let go, you must then only flow.

Level 1 of SE in APU was certainly interesting.

Looking forward to Level 2.

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