Blogger Widgets

Tuesday 7 May 2013


The word that describes the actions that enables people
to act to their own accord. So long as it wont produce terrible,
dangerous and harmful results towards them and other people.

They call it freedom with a reason.
It belongs to everyone.
It cannot be owned by another.
It cannot be constrained by another.
It cannot, ever, be taken from the owner.

The rights is ours.
We own our freedom.
To act with our own free will is a gift given by Allah.
The mind, the 'akal', he blessed us with is there for us think.
For us to analyse, evaluate and process information.
So, that we may take the best route possible towards peace.

Our rights, is ours, not yours.
We can speak our mind.
We can present our ideas.
We can share our thoughts.
You, cannot prevent us from thinking.
You, cannot constrain us from choosing.
You, cannot, should not, shoot us down when we bring
a fresh perspective to the table.

"You must always strive to keep you mind open."
When faced with people that has a different perspective,
dont be cynical, dont look down on them, dont turn them down.
Listen to them. Respect them for having an opinion.
The least of respect that you can give them, is to listen to them.
Then put your 'akal' to work.

"Do not be the blind."
No disrespect intended. Hear me out first. =D
This simply means that you shouldn't be clueless.
You must know your leader, the person that will represent you.
Their ideology, their actions, and their methods are to question.
To quote Nabil; "Lu pikir la sendiri~".
On another note; I'd like to quote Julius from Remember the Titans;
"Attitude reflects leadership."
The reason why we would act as we would is because you act as you are.
When you didn't keep you promises, we voice out.
When you disrespect us, prevented us from voicing our opinion,
we went on strike.
When you still haven't make a change towards the better, we decided
that it is time for us to make the change.

To end this... here's one of the most respective person's most famous quote;

"Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight."
- Bob Marley

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