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Saturday 4 May 2013


People NEVER change.

That's what I always have believed in, or at least had.
It is a fact that we are who we are and who we are meant to be.
We will never change. Saying we'll change is somewhat
inaccurate because HOW can we change?? We are 'we'.

However, this doesn't mean we cannot MAKE a change.
We can choose to improve for the better.
Be the better us than now.
Or choose to flop to the worst.
And, there's no other way to put this, be a potential
burden to the people around us.
On the other hand, we could make the choice to
stay the same as we are now. Which makes no difference.

So~ ; People can MAKE a change.

When a change occurs or whenever change presents itself,
we would always be afraid. Not so much as scared but just
unsure upon the uncertainty of the change.
Which side will it lean towards, the good or the bad.

If the choice is a choice amongst two.
We chose which would benefit us, THE 'people', in the long run.
If both aren't in our good books, then the rule still stands.
Simple choose the lesser of the two evils or not choose at all,
unless its life and death.

Change will always presents itself. It is we, us, the choice makers,
the deciders, the ones with the power to choose must decide
whether or not to take that leap of faith for the change.
A good change bring alight all of the possibilities for growth
as a whole.
A constant isn't always that bad, there is still light.
It's just that, the light will remain as it is and will never expand
to shine upon all of the possible paths that we may take.

~   ~   ~   Voting's tomorrow   ~   ~   ~
Hope you guys vote for who you believe to be the better.
Vote for who you trust that can make a change for the better.
And please, please, please not vote because of the money they'd give you,
or promised to give you. Do you really want these kinds of people
to govern?? Seriously??
Take. A. Stand.

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