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Tuesday 18 June 2013

Pencil & Pen

Pencils and Pens.
The change of usage from a pencil to a pen was a big deal back when I was in Standard 6, kinda like Year 6 if you're in the UK.
It was basically a sign and a symbol of progress amongst peers.
Those whom were allowed to use pens for homework and notes etcetera are, well, they are somewhat respected. Notice the fact that we would need PERMISSION from teachers of a particular subject to utilise pens in their subject. I didn't have that neat of a writing back then, and so were a few of my friends, so we weren't allowed to switch from pencil to pen. We thought we were destined to be doctors you know.
We already got the writing style that only we understood. kihheee~~

Oh well, one time we decided to ignore permissions, and whatnot, and just jot down our notes in pens. A friend of mine had his whole notes multicoloured and I thought that was interesting. Still, only we could understand our writings.Not just that, since we were so accustomed to using pencils, when using pens, we couldn't rub out, or erase, the mistakes that we had written. So, this, plus our awesome hand writing, equals to one messy page. We could still understand it, barely, but still able nonetheless.

And so come the time where the teachers would collect in our books for checking. Just to ensure that we did the work required of us. [In Standard 6 we had an exam called UPSR which is somewhat IMPORTANT as it determines which high school we would attend in the future so these notes and homework are serious back then.] Then that day passes and the day we get our books back came. The teacher asks the class monitor to pass out the books he had marked. However, me and a few other friends didnt get our books back. Instead, the teacher held with him on his desk. After everyone had received their books he called our names out and
he displayed our books in front of us then he held it high and display it for the rest of the class to see.
So, the messy page was a wee bit embarrassing but oh well, care was not taken back then so long as I understood the how and what of the exam subject. Thus a messy note here and there was...meh. Then he scolded us for not asking permission and so on...and so on... and so on... It was like a lecture, and I zoned out. But one phrase still linger in my mind till now; "Tulisan tak lawa ada hati nak pakai pen."
Way to down your students teach. Congrats.~~~
[¬ _¬]

That was then and all has gone to pass. Thinking about it now only brings laughter~~~so all good.

Things taken from such experience;
~~~ Pens, as awesome as it is, doesn't permit the user to fix their mistakes. Using correction fluid is all well and good but still doesn't leave the paper neat and clean.
~~~ Pencils, on the other hand, has that eraser at the end. So you can write all you want with confidence as you are ensured that mistakes can be mended. Plus, the paper is left neat and tidy. ***OCD much~~
~~~ Owh and teach... I had no comment on your method of teaching. Perhaps its your way of showing care or was it just a sneer in anger and spite. But, all I can say is, thank you. Alhamdulillah, my writing has improved. Though I may no longer be a doctor [since I've lost the writing~~ =P ] but I now have a writing that can be understood. You lose and gain right?  =D

#  : You're reminiscing aren't you??
me : Yups. Kinda. A bit.
#  : And procrastinating~
me: yeaaah.... D=

Sunday 16 June 2013

I am only human.

I am only human.
I stumble, I mumble and I make mistakes.
I have imaginations, I have ambitions.
I dream, and I too, get nightmares.

I am only human,
making choices day by day.
Deciding, concluding,
whether it's right or wrong,
Not knowing the future,
fearing the unknown.

Presented with curiosity.
An unavoidable need to know.
Along with it, comes the excitement,
and the satisfaction that discoveries presents.
But unbeknownst to me, curiosity is like
the thorns of the roses.
Each step you take, will always have
the potential for you to be pricked.

Right or wrong.
To live or to die.
Where my choices would take me,
we shall see.
Because, if it has been written to be,
than it shall be.
But for now, be kind to me.
For I am only human.

~~~ A v1tusphoenix original ~~~~