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Wednesday 29 February 2012



I shouldn't  have started like this but since I don't scream in actuality.
It has been so long since I've access this blog.
(minus the fact that I forgot the log in) ...[^ _ ^]
Hrmmm... What to write, what to write.

Basically, some months ago I received news of my grandfather admitted into the hospital. It was a surprised and I was in shock. Moments later I managed to calm myself down, called my parents and heard that he was going to be okay, still in weakened state and have to take it easy (so no smoking [^_^] ), but okay nonetheless.

After that, not directly 'after' but took place after the event anyways, it made me think. LIFE IS SHORT. I'm sure we have realised this and know about it, but really, LIFE. IS. SHORT. I mean, scientifically speaking, we are humans. One shot to the brain, a stab to the heart and we as humans would die. A very fragile being indeed. It is safe to say that any foreign object that approaches us humans could possibly be fatal.

A week ago, I receive news that I will have to travel back home. Thus I will not be able to finish my A-levels in the UK and grad. with close friends. It certainly sucks but thinking bout it more, it'd be good to be close to family again. During these final days, I'm not dying just the time left before my flight, I'm recalling the times that's gone pass, the decisions that's been made and what has become of me. The moments that I've experienced. All in all, I thought 'it's not so bad', it definitely is not perfect and could have been better, but 'it's al'right' and 'was well spent'. I've managed to meet many different people, experience different weather and living conditions and see the many different 'routes' that many of the people took. It certainly was interesting. There is a saying in the Malaysian culture; "jauh perjalanan, luas pengetahuan". It states that the further you go/travel, the more you'd learn/experience. I'm not saying that it made me smarter or that it hasn't, but it certainly satisfy my curiosity. IT WAS EPIC.

So yeah, moments. Thinking about it the word relates closely to time. Whether it was well spent or not is not the question. I guess you could say that in actuality, those moments that we have experienced are the building blocks that had made us what we are now. So, it doesn't matter if you had waste the time available performing unnecessary actions because bottom line, it is what you have gained from the moment you realised that you had wasted those precious seconds. To put it simply, "be not afraid of making mistakes, as the important matter is what you've learnt from it".

Even saying this there is no telling what would come from our actions. We can only believe that we have allocate enough time thinking about the steps to take and simply TAKE a step. As "the act of doing something is always better than idling".

I guess it all comes down to what we have become from those moments we have experienced until this point in time. Whether we chose to observe what unfolds, to simply move in any direction present or to simply become stronger and more confident.

Me : Let's see what unfolds, then 'Imma take those necessary steps, hopefully with confidence, and move along the path I've chosen'.


Reinnaj Kurosawa said...

aww~ im sorry to hear about your granpa. hope he'll be okay insyaALLAH ^^

and hope you're doing well for ur A-levels next time ^^ ganbatte ne~ ^^

Adil Mohd said...

Arigato, Kurosawa-chan..

Reinnaj Kurosawa said...

haha i prefer you call me onee-chan xD kurosawa-chan is just too formal haha. you are my boy after all

Adil Mohd said...

Hai, hai.. 'onee-chan'

[ ^ _ ^ ]