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Wednesday 16 May 2012

My Personality Type: The Laid-back Doer

My Personality Type: The Laid-back Doer

Although unbelievable; I find it ironically hilarious...
check out the test, you'll be amazingly surprised with their analysis,
One way or the Other~~

Here's mine;

Laid-back Doers like you are friendly, happy persons. You enjoy being together with other people. Smart, eloquent, witty and charming, you like to be the centre of attraction. You do not like to be alone. Your zest for life ensures that others feel well in your company and that you quickly get to know people. Laid-back Doers like you get the best out of every moment - many people of this type have a gift for making their whole life one big party. Boredom is unknown in your presence because you are very good at carrying others away with your enthusiasm, your good mood and your optimism.

Abstract thinking and profound philosophising about the meaning of life appeal less to Laid-back Doers. You are pragmatic, realistic and live completely in the here and now. At work too, you prefer it when it’s all go and you can act out your purposeful manner to the full. You have no problem handling several tasks at once and you blossom out in crisis situations. A varied field of activity with a lot of social contacts is just the right thing for you. One will also seldom find you inactive in your spare time; due to your open, curious nature, you have many hobbies and interests. You are not afraid of the unknown: as you are flexible and creative, you quickly adjust to new situations and make the best of them.You sometimes come into conflict with strict rules or hierarchies by which you quickly feel constrained and against which you rebel.

The Laid-back Doer is an extroverted Doer. You don’t enjoy being alone, but are a typical team worker instead. You would not stand working all by yourself. Dealing with other people, communicating as well as a friendly, collegial atmosphere is more important for you than for most of the other types. You love being part of a group where variety and the new are inspirational and exciting - so there are never enough social contacts.

For you, harmony is of central importance. You prefer a work environment without intrigues and political manipulation and where less elbow activities and confrontation, and more cooperation are the order of the day. Here is one of your major strengths: You are prepared to do a lot, mediate conflicts, reduce tensions, and are in top form when you are part of a positive working climate. To spread geniality and make peace among the worst troublemakers is often easy for you. Consequently, you are appreciated by colleagues and superiors, and have almost no problem getting along with the diverse people in your working environment. 

Rather than too much routine and predictability, you need variety, and a certain amount of unpredictability as a part of your responsibilities at work. Your flexibility makes it easy for you to deal with several projects simultaneously. It does not bother you if the phone rings and somebody sticks his head through the door while you are in the middle of preparing a report. You juggle several activities synchronistically without a problem, and during your contacts with others you always remain friendly and obliging. It is a long time before one hears a cross word or any sign of excessive demand out of you. On the contrary, these situations are the icing on the cake for you, and without them your work is going to get boring in a hurry. 

Friday 11 May 2012



How can you not be?!
Insomnia will come naturally. 
[great for exam season] 
Worst if you are a natural Insomniac...

...fine for a few weeks...
...then simply have a crash week...
...a very unproductive, memory lapsed, snoozy week~~

When you...

It just means that you have been on the internet for so long.

Thursday 10 May 2012

When you... away from home, for studies or work or anything,
you will experience a greater sense of appreciation
upon those that you hold dear~~

Thursday 3 May 2012

Been a long time~~

Awkward moment when you forgot which e-mail you use as your blog log-in.~~
Nope?! Just me then. That was, what, twice now. Only this time, I actually forgot the e-mail used. It's no wonder the e-mail I use for Facebook didn't work, no matter how many variation of my password I entered.

Well, in short, cramming/stressing/bookfacing mode was on. Thus in all plausibilities and ignoribility, if that's even a word, I am actually almost up-to-date for the preparation of the exam. They say this is not the best method to pass exams but it has been working for me, thus far. I know it is not as productive as you 'only' pass the exam and will undergo the possibility of not understanding the subject for future use. Not saying that I disagree, my Chem. ended in the gutter simply because I studied to pass the exam/test.

Starting form there I changed my method of studying to actually understand the subject. It has been working out but because I am not used to it, it has been time consuming and is not fast enough. So, I reverted back to my ol'method which is what I am doing now. I just hope what I revised and studied for simply sticks onto my brain and not be a '3 second memory'. But hey, you know what they say, "GOOD LUCK studying the information you'll never used for a job you'll never get after you graduate". I would say "Challenged Accepted!!".     =D

Though interesting stuff you'll find when studying;-

   - staring at a blank wall suddenly is way more interesting than illustrated books
   - random things that you do with writing utensils or arithmetic equipment whether you realise it or not
   - make errors in the calculation of you ability, just like so;

even saying so is a true story, however, I honestly have not reached the depression stage nor the acception stage. By the moment I reach the negotiating stage, the anger has already built up the energy meant for destruction into some sort of containment which in a sense raises my heartbeat putting me in an adrenaline mode. These, well I am entirely sure what happened, calms my mind, making me ignore the limitation of time which in turn allows me a full concentration and focus upon bookfacing. Just another way of saying 'Moutain Dew' is a friend ~ ~
THEN, when all going gets tough and the tough gets going, bla bla bla, and all's well that didnt end well, I will enter a whole other level of the Acception stage, the embracing stage. This is where I accept that I'm screwed, find alternatives to make up the grades (i.e. retakes  ** not a good idea so try not to do it but) and went on doing something else to distract me. Simply because I can't sleep with all this energy build up.

Ramblings, I don't think I speak fluent ramble in real life. The human mind is a wondrous thing, still doesn't make me feel like being a neurologist or was it a psychologist, a psychiatrist!! Oh well.

Though I did find this amazing vis during my luscious break~~

*** Live life to its fullest to never have to have regrets~~