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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

For each start,
there is a finish.
For each beginning,
an end.

So cry not,
and regret none.
For time flows singularly forward.
Thus all that is left,
is for us to keep on walking,
to keep on walking strong.

We live only in ONE moment.
Each passing second is a second of our past,
and for those seconds to come,
out future.
Our present,
is in this moment.

Have Faith.
Be Still.
Be Steadfast,
and Headstrong.

As those seconds that is to come,
are gifts and opportunities.
Those that had pass,
are our lessons in humility.
Choices is what remains.
And only WE can affect the change.

I won't bid thee farewell,
twenty, one and three.
Because you are apart of me.
But I welcome thee~twenty fourteen.
Let us be free to accel and achieve excellence.
In order to attain our goals successfully.


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

For you SPM lot~~

Best o'lucks~~
~~ remain calm
~~ remember to breath
~~ remember to stay hydrated
~~ remember to have sufficient sleep

All in all, dont forget to start with Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.


Monday, 28 October 2013


As week just passed,
it seems so long,
not the distance nor the pass,
but the duration along.

The weekends was fun,
it was fulfilling and benign,
the days of three seems short,
but the seconds of the day spent,
is priceless, timeless and free.

It was raining,
taken as a blessing,
you shine through the weather,
and was warm and welcoming.

So, learn to know not, the 'what',
but learn to know, the 'how'.

as time flows without a pause,
the 'what' is present is fixed at cost,
but the 'how' is yet to be defined by cause.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

APU@TPM : Orientation

Day 3:

Day 3 was a bit interesting. Since all of us introduced ourselves the day before  I had a general idea of their aims and target. Meh~~ cant really say that I do but I at least know their names. Hah.. =)
Along with that, each of them displayed a new look. One with confidence and certainty. I could even go on to say that I could feel their aura. It's like the competition to achieve greatness and excellence had just begun. Even though these friendly rivals are healthy and a great motivator, I was honestly startled by their aura at first.

The atmosphere was no longer thick but each individual now wears their own aura. With this each encounter, with different individuals, gives off a different atmosphere. After that early moment of being startled these new atmosphere fascinates me. I mean, we each come from a different background and many of us come from different countries, apart from the locals of course. With that each of us have a different way of doing things and a different style in how we see a problem. 3 years of this unique blend is gonna be awesome!!

" Schnitzel Awesome~~ Saaawwwsome. !! "

Nothing much other than further getting to know the UC1F1308 intake lot occurs on this day.
Last day of orientation should be something to look forward to.
Sorry I couldn't join you bros for lunch Sarvin and Aiyas~

APU@TPM : Orientation

Day 2 :

~~ The day after Day 1. Wednesday.

As if the pressure of yesterday was not enough, Day 2 orientation starts bloody early. Well, it starts early minus any bloodshed. Apart from that guy that had a paper-cut from his Student Welcome Pack.

The day starts like it continued from where it left off on Day 1. So I sank back in into my seat and watch as time flies... very...very...VERY.....slowly. Ugh! But soon as the first half of the day had passed I manage to get to know a guy from my state of birth. From SABAH!! bah~ Kihhee... this guy keeps to himself at first but then, as it turns out, he has a million stories to share. Which makes me all curious to hear as it involves SABAH!!!  XD

 " Boleh bah kalau kau !!! "

Love that phrase from back home, as in back in Sabah. By the start of the second half of the day the thick atmosphere seems to be more " normal ". I think its because I managed to get to know someone and my nerves of nervousness and excitement is back in my control. "Stay calm~~ stay calm MEA~~ 3 more years to go.". Yeah~ not really a great encouragement there.

This guy is friendly that it makes talking to him easy. When we reach the 'ice-breaking' part, thank you Allah for the 'ice-breaking' session, I was fortunate enough to be in the same group as him. As if that wasn't a blessing enough, I also had the pleasure of getting to know many a amazing people in this group. It turns out we just needed a little push to break our cocoon, to get out of our comfort zone, to get to know each other. Yeah, Sarvin and Fara~~ Dip 'n Dip!!! Let's hit that joint!!

As the 'ice-breaking' session reaches its end, we all did what every Malaysian did during their early stages of education when they first started school. We each stood up and went...
Each of us: "Hii~~ guys!!"
Guys n' Gals: 'Hii~~'
Us: "My name is - - - -. And I'm from  - - -.  - - years old. Planning to do the - - - course." *sits back down*
Well~~ We each did THAT apart from this guys that invites all of us to his home town. Which is a lovely gesture, and it'd be a pleasure to do so, but duuude~~. There approx. 200 other intakes wanting to introduce themselves after your massive speech plus invitation. XD
Thank you though~

APU@TPM : Orientation

Day 1 :

The day before the orientation start I had checked in into my accommodation and unpacked. The wardens are to-the-point which makes what they explain easily understood. Once everything was settled I went ahead and gotten to know my house-mates. They're an awesome bunch each to their own but friendly, and accepted a new house-mate quite well. They are all from foundation so its difficult to be in synch but I'll leave it to time. I had gotten the room all to myself which is neat. So, sleep was not an issue, once you remove insomnia out of the equation. The atmosphere at that time was somewhat exciting~ The nerves are just like always when treading in a new place.

From my accommodation at Vista, I had the rights, as stated by my Travel Pass, to use the APU [Asia Pacific University] bus to head to the main campus located at TPM [Technology Park Malaysia]. Still feeling all calm and curious about this new place I'm going to be spending 3 years in. Didn't know anyone yet at that time so I do my crazy thing and keep to my self. I think I heard people talking about this guy that talks to himself. Aaaaand I kinda had a feeling of it being me. Owh well~

The atmosphere on the bus was pretty intense. With all the new students, like me minus the crazy, heading for orientation as well. I guess they too were nervous but their poker faces are amazing.

Once we arrived, we were directed by the amazing Student Welcome team to pick up our Welcome Pack. They were friendly, and clear and precise with their instructions. Things were going fine. So, I went and gotten my Student Welcome Pack which consists of my Student ID, Student Handbook and the schedule of the day. From there the schedule lists which auditorium we needed to be in and on which floor. So, not knowing my way around I decided to just follow this group of new students hoping that we'd be heading in the same direction. To my wonders we were~ =D They lead the way walking with such confidence, or at least walking with less nervousness than me.

They entered the auditorium first then I followed. The moment I stepped into the auditorium the pressure suddenly increased. My leg feels so heavy. I look around and DEMM. its a massive hall. After a year of studying at home its a massive change. The atmosphere feels so thick, like the air had just been sucked out of the room. So I dragged myself up the auditorium steps and took my seat at the back.

The first day of APU@TPM. The rest of the day were just listening to "Welcome!!", "Welcome to APU!!~~" and more "Welcome Students of Intake UC1F1308!! To APU!!". It was an earful.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Approaching the end of Ramadhan~

Alhamdulillah. Again this year I've been given the chance to meet with ramadhan. I've been given the chance to go through the whole of ramadhan. Alhamdulillah shukur~

This year. Ramadhan is different. It is without both of my late grandfathers.
Here and there, from time to time, the emptiness would seep into my heart and remain there.
But it IS ramadhan. Each day is filled with an activity and new people. The emptiness is still there reminding me of them, may they rest in peace, Al Fatihah. However, my days a filled with something that allows me to look forward. Reminding me to be positive, to be active, to be steadfast and to be more patient.

To be positive upon the future and what may occur.
To be active in pursuing the future.
To be steadfast in accepting what is thrown my way.
To be more patients as things don't always occur as I may expect them to.

Nearing the end, it got me thinking. Have I done enough this ramadhan?
Have I utilised the opportunities presented to me in this blessed month?
Will I be given the same chance next year?
Will I get to meet ramadhan again?

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Duit yang jeles.

Ramai yang tak tahu...hubungan antara duit satu ringgit dgn duit yang besaq2, seperti 50 ringgit au 20 ringgit, niee~
Mereka selalu jeles.

Keluh RM1 kpd RM50:
"Aku jeles laa ngan hang. Tuan hang bawak hang pi merata. Dia bawak hang pi jalan, dia bawak hang pi ronda2, dia bawak hang pi shopping. Pi bowling pon dia bawak hang juga. Aku?? Tuan aku!?? hrmm... dpt kluaq pi kedai runcit pown dah kira bernasib baik...
Bkn stkt tu. Hang dpt duduk dlm wallet mahal2. Elok2 jer dier letak hang. Bila hang di kluarkan dari wallet itu, smooth-smooth lagi badan hang. Aku?? Tuan aku!?? hrmmm... dia selit2 jer aku tang mana dia senang... kalau dapat duduk dlm wallet pown... bila di keluar kan, badan aku x pernah smooth-smooth...mesti comot2, konyot2, kengkadang dah nak terkoyak dah...*geleng* *mengeluh* ".

Kata RM50 kpd RM1:
"Tapi~~ Aku pulak jeles ngan kau. Walau badan aku smooth-smooth... aku x pernah di bawa ke surau-surau atau ke masjid-masjid... kalau di bawa pown... aku x pernah di keluarkan...duduklah aku di dlm wallet itu.
Selalu kalau kau ada dlm wallet dgn aku... mesti engkau sahaja yang di keluarkan dn di masuk kan ke dlm tabung masjid-surau. Sebak dada ku kadang2 tu. Tp yang selalu... aku hanya bermasaman di dlm wallet yang mahal tu. Sbb bila tiba tuan aku pergi ke surau-masjid dia tinggal kan sahaja aku..di simpan sahaja wallet nya itu dlm laci... yer la kan... dia pergi pakai kain... wallet mahal mana pulak nak di muat kan.. engkau juga yang bernasib baik... dia selit kau kat celah lipatan... dia bawa kau... dia jaga kau sampai dia mendapat peluang untuk memasukkan kau ke dlm tabung masjid-surau~~ Aku memang!! jeles dgn kau!

Nothing is ever sufficient and endlessly pleasing... humans we longed for more; often for the something that we don't have.
Be thankful~~
Alhamdulillah... we each have a written path for us...
Let's just strive to walk down the path without getting lost.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Pencil & Pen

Pencils and Pens.
The change of usage from a pencil to a pen was a big deal back when I was in Standard 6, kinda like Year 6 if you're in the UK.
It was basically a sign and a symbol of progress amongst peers.
Those whom were allowed to use pens for homework and notes etcetera are, well, they are somewhat respected. Notice the fact that we would need PERMISSION from teachers of a particular subject to utilise pens in their subject. I didn't have that neat of a writing back then, and so were a few of my friends, so we weren't allowed to switch from pencil to pen. We thought we were destined to be doctors you know.
We already got the writing style that only we understood. kihheee~~

Oh well, one time we decided to ignore permissions, and whatnot, and just jot down our notes in pens. A friend of mine had his whole notes multicoloured and I thought that was interesting. Still, only we could understand our writings.Not just that, since we were so accustomed to using pencils, when using pens, we couldn't rub out, or erase, the mistakes that we had written. So, this, plus our awesome hand writing, equals to one messy page. We could still understand it, barely, but still able nonetheless.

And so come the time where the teachers would collect in our books for checking. Just to ensure that we did the work required of us. [In Standard 6 we had an exam called UPSR which is somewhat IMPORTANT as it determines which high school we would attend in the future so these notes and homework are serious back then.] Then that day passes and the day we get our books back came. The teacher asks the class monitor to pass out the books he had marked. However, me and a few other friends didnt get our books back. Instead, the teacher held with him on his desk. After everyone had received their books he called our names out and
he displayed our books in front of us then he held it high and display it for the rest of the class to see.
So, the messy page was a wee bit embarrassing but oh well, care was not taken back then so long as I understood the how and what of the exam subject. Thus a messy note here and there was...meh. Then he scolded us for not asking permission and so on...and so on... and so on... It was like a lecture, and I zoned out. But one phrase still linger in my mind till now; "Tulisan tak lawa ada hati nak pakai pen."
Way to down your students teach. Congrats.~~~
[¬ _¬]

That was then and all has gone to pass. Thinking about it now only brings laughter~~~so all good.

Things taken from such experience;
~~~ Pens, as awesome as it is, doesn't permit the user to fix their mistakes. Using correction fluid is all well and good but still doesn't leave the paper neat and clean.
~~~ Pencils, on the other hand, has that eraser at the end. So you can write all you want with confidence as you are ensured that mistakes can be mended. Plus, the paper is left neat and tidy. ***OCD much~~
~~~ Owh and teach... I had no comment on your method of teaching. Perhaps its your way of showing care or was it just a sneer in anger and spite. But, all I can say is, thank you. Alhamdulillah, my writing has improved. Though I may no longer be a doctor [since I've lost the writing~~ =P ] but I now have a writing that can be understood. You lose and gain right?  =D

#  : You're reminiscing aren't you??
me : Yups. Kinda. A bit.
#  : And procrastinating~
me: yeaaah.... D=

Sunday, 16 June 2013

I am only human.

I am only human.
I stumble, I mumble and I make mistakes.
I have imaginations, I have ambitions.
I dream, and I too, get nightmares.

I am only human,
making choices day by day.
Deciding, concluding,
whether it's right or wrong,
Not knowing the future,
fearing the unknown.

Presented with curiosity.
An unavoidable need to know.
Along with it, comes the excitement,
and the satisfaction that discoveries presents.
But unbeknownst to me, curiosity is like
the thorns of the roses.
Each step you take, will always have
the potential for you to be pricked.

Right or wrong.
To live or to die.
Where my choices would take me,
we shall see.
Because, if it has been written to be,
than it shall be.
But for now, be kind to me.
For I am only human.

~~~ A v1tusphoenix original ~~~~

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


The word that describes the actions that enables people
to act to their own accord. So long as it wont produce terrible,
dangerous and harmful results towards them and other people.

They call it freedom with a reason.
It belongs to everyone.
It cannot be owned by another.
It cannot be constrained by another.
It cannot, ever, be taken from the owner.

The rights is ours.
We own our freedom.
To act with our own free will is a gift given by Allah.
The mind, the 'akal', he blessed us with is there for us think.
For us to analyse, evaluate and process information.
So, that we may take the best route possible towards peace.

Our rights, is ours, not yours.
We can speak our mind.
We can present our ideas.
We can share our thoughts.
You, cannot prevent us from thinking.
You, cannot constrain us from choosing.
You, cannot, should not, shoot us down when we bring
a fresh perspective to the table.

"You must always strive to keep you mind open."
When faced with people that has a different perspective,
dont be cynical, dont look down on them, dont turn them down.
Listen to them. Respect them for having an opinion.
The least of respect that you can give them, is to listen to them.
Then put your 'akal' to work.

"Do not be the blind."
No disrespect intended. Hear me out first. =D
This simply means that you shouldn't be clueless.
You must know your leader, the person that will represent you.
Their ideology, their actions, and their methods are to question.
To quote Nabil; "Lu pikir la sendiri~".
On another note; I'd like to quote Julius from Remember the Titans;
"Attitude reflects leadership."
The reason why we would act as we would is because you act as you are.
When you didn't keep you promises, we voice out.
When you disrespect us, prevented us from voicing our opinion,
we went on strike.
When you still haven't make a change towards the better, we decided
that it is time for us to make the change.

To end this... here's one of the most respective person's most famous quote;

"Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight."
- Bob Marley

Saturday, 4 May 2013


People NEVER change.

That's what I always have believed in, or at least had.
It is a fact that we are who we are and who we are meant to be.
We will never change. Saying we'll change is somewhat
inaccurate because HOW can we change?? We are 'we'.

However, this doesn't mean we cannot MAKE a change.
We can choose to improve for the better.
Be the better us than now.
Or choose to flop to the worst.
And, there's no other way to put this, be a potential
burden to the people around us.
On the other hand, we could make the choice to
stay the same as we are now. Which makes no difference.

So~ ; People can MAKE a change.

When a change occurs or whenever change presents itself,
we would always be afraid. Not so much as scared but just
unsure upon the uncertainty of the change.
Which side will it lean towards, the good or the bad.

If the choice is a choice amongst two.
We chose which would benefit us, THE 'people', in the long run.
If both aren't in our good books, then the rule still stands.
Simple choose the lesser of the two evils or not choose at all,
unless its life and death.

Change will always presents itself. It is we, us, the choice makers,
the deciders, the ones with the power to choose must decide
whether or not to take that leap of faith for the change.
A good change bring alight all of the possibilities for growth
as a whole.
A constant isn't always that bad, there is still light.
It's just that, the light will remain as it is and will never expand
to shine upon all of the possible paths that we may take.

~   ~   ~   Voting's tomorrow   ~   ~   ~
Hope you guys vote for who you believe to be the better.
Vote for who you trust that can make a change for the better.
And please, please, please not vote because of the money they'd give you,
or promised to give you. Do you really want these kinds of people
to govern?? Seriously??
Take. A. Stand.

Sunday, 28 April 2013


"  We do not fear what is coming.
   We do not fear the future.
   We fear the uncertainty in the unknown which lies ahead.
   May we have faith in the plans that has been written for each of our chosen paths.
   Be it good or bad, let us be strong enough to face it head-on and headstrong.

   Inn syaa Allah.

   ~    ~    ~

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Awesome Parenting.

Well who could deny that being a parent is blissful. Its fun and calming every moment you spend with your families. But, you could never deny that its not hard. It is difficult trying to bear with the children. With their raw energy, their needs, wants and personalities.

But THIS is just one of the things that I think is an awesome parenting method;

It teaches discipline and what not. And to me, that's just uniquely awesome.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Dr. Zakir naik

Because I'm Catholic I Am Going To Hell ???!

Should be clearer now...~

Saturday, 23 February 2013



Today we attended the "Jom Masuk University 2013" [ Attend Universities for Further Studies 2013 ] carnival at MiTC, the Malacca International Trade Centre. All was good and fun and well and full of useful info and such. Spent 2 or so hours in there; rowing around, chatting and digging-up all of the precious, priceless and necessary info for further studies.

Upon returning from said event, I first went Alor Gajah to drop off my friend, as he was kind enough to accompany me I thought I'd return the favour.
All the way I was maintaining the stated max. speed of 90km/h and all was well.
Then all of a sudden the car in front of me suddenly brake to a stop.
I guessed that that driver was also stunned by the car that was front of him/her and so does the car that was in front of said driver and so on.
But on my case, I did not notice the sudden "stop" because I hadn't came up on the bend. Soon as I clear the bend I saw the car break lights light up signalling that it is breaking to a stop.
With my current speed I could not brake safely in line of the car and I know that even if I had tried to, I would've kissed the back of that MyVi. So, I hit the brakes hard then I found that the lane to my left had an extra space of two cars or so. So, I tried to switch lanes in order to increase my stopping distance.
But, unbeknownst to me, the fact the I've hit the brakes as hard and as sudden, it caused my SAGA to skid.
Even as I have successfully switched lanes, I have not enough traction to stop even with sufficient stopping distance.
As a result, as if by instinct, I break hard-left and ripped my e-break. As my car felt like it was slowing down further, I feel the weight of my car heavily on my side. I thought my SAGA is gonna do a barrel role like the one in the FastN'Furious 4. The apparent sudden resistive force of the e-break and the change of direction had decreased my momentum enough that the initially calculated stopping distance was sufficient. The e-break did cause me my tyres. The smell of burnt rubber entered my SAGA. Probably cause of the small opening at my window.
When my car had safely stopped, I'd realised that I was no longer vertically facing front but am facing the side of the road. Then I tilt my head left to check on my friend and all was fine, alhamdulillah. After that, my eye caught a glimpsed of what is approaching us from the passenger window. It was a lorry. A big massive one, with one-EPIC-sized trailer that it was carrying. It felt like a fast approaching train was gonna hit us. The lorry driver had probably faced the mistakes that a reckless P-driver like me had probably made. The driver, who I noticed was a Malaysian-Indian, appears to calmly lowering his gears until his lorry slowed down to a perfect stop with just a couple of feet from my SAGA. And then, it was as if time had stopped for a second. My heart had stopped beating. My mind had stopped thinking. And all there were, was a sigh of utter relief from my friend and cars honking breaking the silence. That one moment, that one second, was the fastest and longest second in my life. It felt like all that had happened had happened in a blink of an eye. It also felt like everything that is possible to occur at that moment was occurring at the same time, it caught my eye and curiousity one after the other. I was correct in my assumption that I would've kissed the MyVi. I was correct in my calculation of the extra stopping distanced in the left lane. I was glad of the fact that my car had stopped. I was glad that there were no cars speeding. I was glad that the lorry was a "berkhemah" driver, or at least had hoped that he was. I noticed the worryful state of my friend. I noticed a handful of people out from the shops looking for the screeching sound my skidding car had made. Finally, I was glad of whatever had taken over me had done because we had stopped safely with minimal collateral damage.

As ' these ' were occurring, all that was racing through my mind was that " Have I served my parents enough to cause them to bury their son in an unfortunate state?? ", " Would I be forgiven?? ", " What effect have I caused to the other families if a pile up was to occur?? ".
But what was racing through my heart on that one moment, when a pile-up had not occurred because of me, was utter-relief, nervousness, fear, great-excitement, unshaking-decision making thought process, courage and thankfulness. Heck, everything in between utter-relief and thankfulness was probably the adrenaline. However, that moment would never ever leave my mind for the rest of my life. Such an EPIC memory.

***AlhamdulillahI guess all the is to it is to;
- Appreciate the loan of life given unto you.
- Live today as you'd die tomorrow cause you'd never know when you'd die.
- Care for the people around you, those that love you and those that care for you.
- Take each that occurs, one at a time, a little bit at one time.
- Ensure safe stopping distances. [ If there were no spaces on the left lane, I would have surely not be writing this today. ].
- Enjoy the moment that you have. You'll never know if it will be available again.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


MY One Tera is FULL!!
No more downloading for the time being then.

Finished downloading a full series of SAW. AGAIN! And then realised that at that point in time and moment, I will no longer have the privilege of *coughs* downloading  *coughs* any. MORE. ANYTHING.



Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Malaysia - Malacca

In these last two days; it has been cloudy. It has been windy. It has been raining. Non stop. From just light showers to heavy rain to just rain and repeating the cycle again.

It's just one of the times of the year I suppose. But why complain. At these times, my insomnia is present no longer. And sleep comes naturally. I don't know bout others but, this is one of the blessings that I'm highly thankful for.

Besides that, the conditions are calm. The atmosphere is cool. Just perfect for studying. Which adds to the list of things that I am thankful for.


Physics is Logic.

Here you go you "science-lover" slash "physicists" slash "scientist" slash "fellow-human" slash "EPIC-being" .



[ ^ _ ^ ]

Friday, 1 February 2013

Tak Kapel Tapi Kapel - Guaner??

Tak Kapel Tapi Kapel

He presented such a great argument and points that outline what the current Islamic Cities are experiencing. Be it "Malaysians", "British", "Americans" or "Australians"; in each and everyone of those countries, the religion of Islam is expanding and are welcomed by many. But, the ones that "inherited" the religion, and way of life, sometimes lack the understanding that the earlier generations of their family had understood. The one commonly misunderstood is the boundaries of relationship between people with opposite genders when socialising. "Couple" au "Kapel" is the main that was elaborated here.

Courtesy of " AimanAzlan " .

Istilah "kapel" datangnya daripada perkataan Bahasa Inggeris iaitu couple. Pada asalnya, perkataan itu tidak membawa maksud "hubungan intim antara lelaki dan perempuan sebelum berkahwin" tapi entahlah macam mana, budaya Malaysia kita sudah memberikan takrifan kepada istilah "kapel" sebegitu rupa. Maka, saya akan gunakan takrifan yang sama dalam penulisan ini.

Ramai yang emel saya tentang relationship dan dalam banyak-banyak emel itu, isu yang kerap juga naik ialah isu yang saya kategorikan sebagai kapel "Islamik". Saya juga dengar pelbagai cerita tentang kapel "Islamik". Kapel "Islamik" ini satu fenomena yang - pada pengamatan saya - sudah lama berlaku. Isu ini ada dalam masyarakat, cuma mungkin tak ramai yang menyentuhnya. Saya letakkan perkataan "Islamik" di situ kerana hubungan ini pada permukaannya memang nampak dan bunyi "Islamik".

Tapi adakah dengan nampak dan bunyi "Islamik" sudah memadai untuk menjadikannya Islamik?

Fenomena ini menarik minat saya kerana pattern yang saya lihat adalah hampir sama dalam semua kes. Ini menunjukkan betapa tidak kreatifnya musuh kita iaitu syaitan. Asyik guna taktik yang sama je.

Tapi sedihnya, kita tertipu jugak. Ahaks!

"Eh, kami tak kapel. Dia bukan girlfriend saya."

Selalunya kita tidak akan menggelar si dia itu boyfriend atau girlfriend. Selalunya kita akan anti dengan gelaran-gelaran tersebut kerana dalam hati kita, sudah terang lagi bersuluh bahawa mempunyai boyfriend atau girlfriend itu salah di sisi agama.

Tapi apa yang kita tidak sedar ialah berkapel ini tidak perlukan declaration. Tidak perlu untuk kita declare secara lisan seperti "mulai hari ini, awak adalah boyfriend/girlfriendsaya." Tidak perlu juga untuk declare dalam bentuk pertanyaan seperti "awak nak jadiboyfriend/girlfriend saya?" Berkapel juga tidak perlukan panggilan comel-comel seperti sayang, hubby, sweetheart, honey, cutie pie, balak, gewe, ataupun awek. Semuanyasuperficial sahaja.

Sekadar label semata-mata.

Jangan kita terlalu taksub dengan label. Teliti hakikat di sebalik label itu. Jika saya letakkan label "al-Hasan" atas botol arak, apakah ia mengubah hakikat bahawa ia arak? Tidak. Jika saya letakkan label "Konsert Amal Untuk Anak-Anak Yatim" tetapi dalam konsert tersebut bercampur-campur antara lelaki dan perempuan, bergesel-gesel badan, melompat-lompat, dan sebagainya, apakah ia "Islamik" hanya kerana label yang diberikan kepada konsert tersebut Islamik? Tidak.

Maka jangan terpedaya dengan luaran yang nampak dan bunyi "Islamik". Telitilah dalamannya. Telitilah hakikatnya.

Dalam isu kapel "Islamik", hakikatnya ialah perbuatan kita sudahpun membuktikan bahawa kita sedang berkapel. Perbuatan kita sudah "declare" dengan begitu jelas tanpa perlukan sebarang kata-kata.

Actions speak louder than words.

Oleh itu, di samping kita meneliti percakapan kita, teliti juga perbuatan kita. Kita mungkin cakap lain, tapi perbuatan kita "cakap" lain.

Hati-hati juga kerana kita mungkin hanyut dan larut dalam perasaan sayang sampaikan kita tidak nampak ataupun kita deny akan kewujudan apa-apa yang tidak baik dalam hubungan tersebut.

"Tapi kami tak buat benda-benda salah pun macam pegang-pegang tangan or berdua-duaan. So, kira ok la kan?"

Selalunya hubungan ini akan dihiasi dengan amalan-amalan yang baik seperti menghantar SMS tazkirah, kejut bangun Subuh, memberi hadiah tudung, mengajak study bersama, dan lain-lain. Disebabkan kita melihat hubungan ini dihiasi dengan amalan-amalan Islamik maka kita merasakan hubungan ini justified dan "Islamik".

Tapi apakah amalan-amalan yang saya sebutkan itu salah? Tidak sama sekali. Semua amalan itu tidak salah pada asalnya. Tetapi, jika amalan-amalan seperti itu dipergunakan untuk mencapai matlamat yang lain maka di situ kita mungkin akan jumpa masalahnya.

Cuba kita tanya diri sendiri beberapa soalan berikut yang mungkin boleh digunakan sebagai kayu ukur: Ada alternatif lain tak? Mungkin instead of aku, rakannya yang sama jantina boleh ambil tempat aku. Apakah perbuatan aku ini sekadar alasan untuk aku spend time ataupun keep in touch dengan dia? Selain itu, selalunya dalam hati kita ada satu perasaan yang mengatakan bahawa "macam tak kena je apa yang aku buat ni" tetapi minda kita menyampuk dan berkata "tak pe, tak salah pun".

Tumpukan perhatian kepada bisikan hati kita kerana hati yang bersih dapat memberi amaran kepada kita apabila kita hampir-hampir melakukan perbuatan yang salah. Dalam masa yang sama, berhati-hatilah juga dengan permainan minda kita kerana ia bijak dalam mencari alasan untuk "menghalalkan" yang salah.

"Si dia motivate saya berubah menjadi lebih baik."

Dalam hubungan kapel "Islamik" ini, selalu juga kita dan si dia mendapat motivasi untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik. Alhamdulillah, berubah untuk menjadi lebih baik itu sudah semestinya bagus.

Tapi apakah kita berubah itu untuk Allah atau untuk si dia? Bagaimana kalau si dia itu tiada, apakah kita akan berubah juga?

Jika kita dalam proses perubahan, jangan kita berhenti kerana niat kita terpesong. Teruskan dengan perubahan itu! Cuma, perbetulkan niat kita sahaja kerana jika kita berubah kerana Allah maka it doesn't matter kalau si dia itu ada atau tidak, kita akan terus juga berubah.

Cuma satu sahaja yang saya ingin peringatkan: berhati-hatilah. Hati-hati kerana mungkin ini salah satu alasan lagi yang boleh kita gunakan untuk justify hubungan kita dengan si dia.

Saya tidak menafikan bahawa motivasi untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik ini adalah salah satu kebaikan dalam kapel "Islamik". Tapi ingat, wine pun ada kebaikannya juga.

"Mereka bertanya kepadamu [Wahai Muhammad] mengenai arak dan judi. Katakanlah: 'Pada keduanya ada dosa besar dan ada pula beberapa manfaat bagi manusia tetapi dosa keduanya lebih besar daripada manfaatnya..." (Surah al-Baqarah, Ayat 219)

"Saya dah pasang niat nak berkahwin dengan dia."

Alhamdulillah, bagus! Inilah yang sepatutnya menjadi aim kita apabila kita hendak menjalinkan apa-apa hubungan intim dengan si dia.

Tetapi, ingin saya ingatkan bahawa niat tersebut harus diiringi dengan azam dan usaha untuk bersedia. Jangan kita anggap perkahwinan ini sebagai jalan keluar zina. Sebaliknya, kita harus lihat perkahwinan ini sebagai jalan menuju syurga. Nampak seperti sama tapi mentaliti di sebaliknya amatlah berbeza.

Jika perkahwinan itu dilihat sebagai jalan menuju syurga, maka kita akan plan dan bersediasebelum kita mendekati si dia atau walinya (jika si dia itu perempuan). Jangan apabila sudah hangat bercinta baru nak berfikir berkenaan kahwin kerana takutkan zina. Padahal zina itu harus dielakkan daripada awal lagi.

Selain itu, jangan pula sebulan sebelum nak berkahwin baru kita terburu-buru untuk bersedia.

Sepertimana exam, kita tidak dinasihatkan untuk tangguhkan semua persediaan di saat-saat yang terakhir. Kita akan mula bersedia dari awal lagi. Kita akan ambil semua langkah yang patut diambil untuk bersedia menghadapinya. Jika dengan perkara kecil seperti examitu kita bukan main lagi tekun bersedia untuk menghadapinya, jadi mengapakah dengan perkara besar seperti perkahwinan kita tidak begitu tekun pula untuk bersedia? Exam akan berlalu selepas beberapa hari, tapi perkahwinan akan berterusan 24/7 sehinggalah kita mati (Insha Allah). Maka ia merupakan satu komitmen jangka masa panjang.

Apakah komitmen besar seperti itu tidak perlukan apa-apa persediaan?

Saya bukannya ingin menghalang sesiapa daripada berkahwin. Saya menggalakkan orang-orang muda berkahwin sepertimana Rasulallah menggalakkannya. Oleh itu, saya bukan ingin demotivate sesiapa. Malah, saya ingin motivate semua untuk berkahwin. Tapi, dalam pada masa yang sama, saya juga ingin menekankan betapa pentingnya untuk kita semua bersedia - fizikal, mental, emosi, dan spiritual - untuk menghadapi alam perkahwinan.

Perkahwinan itu amatlah indah. Tapi ingat, ia juga merupakan tanggungjawab yang besar.

Kesimpulannya, perkataan "kapel" dan "Islamik" itu aneh jika digabungkan. Bak kata Boonaa Mohammed, "There is no right way to do something haraam."

Anda mungkin fikir,

"Ala mamat ni, bajet macam dia tahu je. Jeles la tu sebab takde girlfriend."

Pemerhatian saya ini adalah berdasarkan emel-emel dan cerita-cerita yang sampai kepada saya. Bukan itu sahaja, pemerhatian saya juga berdasarkan pengalaman peribadi.

Ya, saya ini bekas mangsa kapel "Islamik".

Ketahuilah, pattern yang saya perhatikan dalam semua kes hampir sama dengan pengalaman yang saya lalui sendiri. Seolah-olah syaitan ada guidebook yang dia rujuk untuk menghasut manusia-manusia. Maka saya faham apa yang golongan kapel "Islamik" ini lalui. Saya sangatlah faham.

Liciknya syaitan. Dia mampu menggunakan perkara-perkara baik untuk perlahan-lahan mencapai matlamat yang jahat.

Tapi semasa hubungan saya itu dijalin, jauh di dalam hati somehow saya tahu. Saya tahu bahawa ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan hubungan kami. Saya tahu bahawa apa yang saya inginkan hanyalah untuk meluangkan masa bersama si dia sama ada face to faceataupun melalui telefon. Semua perbuatan baik yang saya lakukan hanyalah alasan-alasan untuk mencapai keinginan saya itu. Alasan-alasan itu saya pegang sebagai hujah untuk menjustifikasikan hubungan saya.

Apabila saya berfikir sejenak dan jujur dengan diri saya sendiri, barulah saya sedar. Selepas itu, saya rasa bertanggungjawab untuk bertindak. Saya bertindak untuk mengakhiri hubungan itu. Memutuskan hubungan itu amat perit tapi saya tahu ianya perlu dilakukan, untuk kebaikan saya dan si dia.

Sometimes we have to sacrifice our own pleasures for the pleasure of the One we love most - Allah.

Bila saya fikir balik, saya rasa keputusan saya itu betul dan ada hikmahnya. Mungkin ada yang akan tertanya-tanya, "Kenapa break up? Kenapa tak kahwin terus sahaja?"

Maka saya berfikir, macam mana kalau saya berkahwin dengan dia? Hasrat itu sudah pun ada. Setelah berfikir, saya rasa kalau saya kahwin dengan dia, kemungkinan besar perkahwinan itu akan membawa lebih banyak keburukan daripada kebaikan. Ini adalah kerana kalau saya berkahwin dalam keadaan saya yang masih mentah sebegitu rupa, maka saya pasti bahawa saya tidak akan dapat handle perkahwinan itu dengan baik. Itu analisa saya tentang diri saya sendiri.

Alternatif lain ialah bertunang. Saya fikir, itu juga bukan satu alternatif yang baik kerana jika saya memilih untuk bertunang maka kami akan bertunang untuk satu jangka masa yang amat lama.

Pertunangan tidak disarankan untuk ditarik lama-lama. Tidak patut kita mengikat seseorang itu dalam ikatan pertunangan lama-lama. Ada orang tanya saya sama ada dibolehkan atau tidak untuk bertunang sehinggalah dia mampu untuk berkahwin. Saya tidak katakan kepadanya bahawa itu haram atau halal. Apa yang saya katakan kepadanya ialah seorang manusia itu bukannya objek yang kita boleh pre-order ataupun "chup" awal-awal. Jika ingin bertunang, bertunanglah dalam keadaan bersedia dan mempunyai planuntuk kahwin dalam jangka masa yang singkat. Perkahwinan itu harus dipercepatkan (tanpa terburu-buru).

Oleh itu, saya rasa break up itu adalah yang terbaik kerana relationship saya itu membawa saya jauh daripada Allah. Dan melayan perasaan itu lama-lama tanpa melihat kemungkinan perkahwinan berlaku dalam masa terdekat itu bagi saya, satu penyeksaan. Kalau kita sudah set plan untuk berkahwin dalam jangka masa yang singkat dan kita sudah bersedia untuk menghadapinya, itu cerita lain pula.

Do not start something that you can't finish.

Saya tidak boleh finish relationship saya itu, maka saya putuskan. Pada pengamatan saya, pada masa itu saya termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang tidak mampu untuk berkahwin.

"Dan orang-orang yang tidak mempunyai kemampuan berkahwin, hendaklah mereka menjaga kehormatannya sehingga Allah memberi kekayaan kepada mereka dari limpah kurniaNya.” (Surah An-Nur, Ayat 33)

Break up itu perit. Saya sakit. Dia pun sakit. Tapi Alhamdulillah, kami sekarang baik-baik sahaja. Tiada yang jadi sewel seperti yang dilakonkan dalam sesetengah drama TV kita. Lagipun itu kisah lampau, saya ingin mengaut lessons daripadanya dan move on. Rasa tidak enak mengungkit kisah lama. Tujuan saya berkongsi kisah lampau saya ini bukanlah untuk berbangga. Trust me, tiada apa yang nak dibanggakan. Tujuan saya berkongsi ialah supaya kesilapan lampau saya tidak menjadi kesilapan anda sekarang.

Kalau dambakan hubungan intim dengan si dia, maka satu-satunya jalan untuk mendapatkannya ialah melalui perkahwinan.

Selain itu, tujuan saya menulis post ini ialah untuk point out apa yang saya perhatikan dan mengajak para pembaca untuk berfikir. Tujuan saya bukanlah untuk menjatuhkan hukum halal/haram kepada mana-mana hubungan. Mungkin ada hubungan yang halal, mungkin ada hubungan yang haram.

Whatever it is, I leave that part to you.
